These pages are focused mainly on the Faulder Family of Cumberland (United Kingdom) descended from Robert Faulder (~1691-1765) and his wife Isabella (~1694-1767 – maiden name as yet unknown) and then on other families from which I am also descended.
This may be extended in cases where research of maritally related lines (such as the Blaylocks or Crowthers) may yield more information about the main ancestral lines. The main example of this is the family of Catherine Blaylock’s first Husband (Robert Faulder) – her second husband, from whom I am descended, was also called Robert Faulder. See The Parents of William Faulder (b 1804)
In addition I have included some details of “Surname Lines” to which I have not yet found any relationship. This is partly to answer “are we related” type comments but also in the hope that others may be able to suggest how the lines may be related.
The content of these pages have been prepared by me, David Faulder (one of Robert Faulder’s 43 (at the last count) known Great Great Great Great Great Grandchildren). To contact me please add a comment – or email me using the address:

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A separate page summarises my ancestors together with links to details of their descendants. This is a good place to start if you want to trace some of the other families discussed on these pages.
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Dear Mr Faulder,
>>privacy cut< < a speculative Google search for my Grandfather led me to your fascinating site, as we are related! My Grandmother was Annie Gwendoline Shelley Fell and she did indeed marry Lt Col Claud Furniss Potter CMG DSO, a career soldier. They had 3 children, >>privacy cut<< I would be very happy to give you any further information that you would like. Best regards, Tony Potter
Comment by Tony Potter — 22 September, 2010 @ 8:48 pm
Of passing interest – I have an 18pr shell case engraved:
The name ‘S C Brierly’ is engraved in his handwriting which matches that on his letter to Marjorie Fell Faulder
[to realise the significance of this comment see pages 49/50 of the large file attached to The life and death of Harold Faulder (killed in action Ypres 26 April 1918)]
Comment by Grant Gibson — 2 January, 2013 @ 5:13 pm
[…] have written previously about them. This post ponders the origin of the Blizard name in our family tree and whether knowing […]
Pingback by The Blizard Name « Faulder Family Genealogy — 7 September, 2021 @ 3:04 pm
Hi there,
I am currently researching my line of Keirs and noticed that the name William Faulder Keir is in nearly every generation since a William Faulder Kerr born 1797 in Cumberland and wondered where this random middle name came from. Thank you creating this website, it is very helpful
Comment by Katie Pring — 3 January, 2024 @ 1:58 pm